Create Account
To create a new account, fill in all the fields below and click 'Submit' when done. Your account will be placed on hold until approved by an administrator. Once approved, you will have full access to the system.
Note that email and phone publish settings below apply to most registered users on the site. Coaches and captains will always have access to view the phone numbers and email addresses of their confirmed players. All team coaches and captains will also have their email address viewable by other players. People using the site without being logged in will never see any contact information.
If you have concerns about the data PUL collects, please see our Privacy Policy.
Fill out this questionnaire and then click "Calculate" below to figure out the skill level you should use in Zuluru.
The questionnaire is divided into Skill and Experience sections. Answer each as honestly as possible, and the resulting Zuluru rating should be fairly accurate. When answering questions regarding relative skills, compare yourself to the average of all people playing the sport, not only those that you regularly compete against.
The calculated value will be entered on the Zuluru profile editing form.