Holy Cross (HC)

1355 Landsdowne St. West, Peterborough, Ontario
Driving Directions

This school is located at the intersection where Clonsilla meets Lansdowne. The school is on the south side of Lansdowne and the field is located in behind the school, so proceed through the lights and along the driveway towards the back of the school. Parking is on the left (student parking). Cycling to this location is a bit more dicey given there are no direct cycling routes that don’t involve up-close encounters with the dubious drivers of Peterborough. For the safest route, coming from downtown, we’d suggest making your way across to Medical Drive, cutting through the Kinsmen field area where there’s a hard pack bike path which takes you to Goodfellow. Once you get to Goodfellow and Clonsilla, stick to riding on the ample sidewalk area (it’s considered dual use) and head out past the Canadian Tire/Kawartha Golf & Country Club, until you reach Lansdowne and Clonsilla.