AGM 2020 Presentation

In case you missed the virtual AGM, or you attended but want to get a closer look at the data presented, keep reading.

State of the League (Covid-19 Edition)

  • Fields are currently closed until May 31st 
  • Peterborough City has not hired their summer staff, but is trying to utilize current staff to maintain parks and fields.
  • Currently waiting to get an update from Provincial and Federal Governments on restrictions and guidelines.
  • Closely following all guidelines and suggestions from Ultimate Canada and Ontario Ultimate.
  • Cancelled SunJam tournament for June 2020
  • Cancelled Harvest 2020
    • Will hold onto the fields to see if there is a potential we could hold something local for PUL players only.
  • Ultimate Canada has currently cancelled all Regional Qualifier Tournaments (for CUC) in July.

Finance and Budget

  • Total financial picture looks healthier than it currently is
    • Partly due to the timing of the report
    • Does not reflect the Winter Indoor refunds
    • Does not reflect Junior refunds.
  • 2020 Budget is based on PUL having a full year of play.
    • Obviously this will not be the case.
    • Will not have the same amount of income
    • Will also not have the same amount of expenses
  • Finance Presentation

 Concussion Policy

  • In 2018 the Ontario Government passed the Rowan’s Law Legislation
    • Was designed to create a safer environment for all sports
    • Mandated all athletes 26 and younger must read and sign concussion policy and Concussion Code of Conduct
  • PUL believes brain health matters for all members and will expect all members to sign the Concussion Code of Conduct.
    • Can be accessed online through Zurulu account, profile, waivers
  • Created a Removal-from-Sport Protocol
    • Captain’s will need to submit a Suspected Concussion Form
    • Captains have final say whether a player needs to be removed from the field of play.
      • When in Doubt, Sit them Out
  • Created a Return-to-Sport Protocol
    • Player will not be allowed to return to the field of play without a signed medical certificate.
      • Certificate will need to be given to team Captain and Operations Coordinator.

New Rules

PUL follows the ruleset established by USAUltimate (this puts us in line with Ultimate Canada). After over a decade of use, the 11th edition rules were long overdue for an update. Instead of a 12th edition, USAU has released the 2020-2021 edition, which will be automatically subject to review and update every two years. Remember, it’s contingent upon everyone in the league to learn the rules of the game.

Most rule changes address specific issues that arise in highly competitive play (national level tournaments, for example), and regular league play will not see much change. However, the following changes are worth noting for PUL.

Check out the new rules

Alcohol Policy

  • Due to new City Regulations and Rules, PUL will now be enforcing a zero-tolerance policy.
    • This means no alcohol or drugs will be tolerated before, during or after a game at any PUL sanctioned sites.
  • Failure to comply may result in disciplinary action.
  • City can suspend or revoke any City permit.
    • They will be monitoring and can now fine people and leagues
  • We’ve worked long and hard to establish a good relationship with the city and need all the fields we can get…don’t f*$k it up.
  • Good news, Night Kitchen will offer 40% discount on any whole pizza order. 
    • Must be in store purchase, no delivery
    • They have beer for sale.
  • PUL’s Alcohol Policy

Discipline Policy

  • Poor spirited Incident Reports have increased.
  • League Coordinators, in consultation with the Membership Committee felt our Disciplinary Policy was outdated and lacked proper procedure.
  • Want to maintain a fun and safe environment at all PUL sanctioned events.
  • Only reported incidents can be followed up on and dealt with formally.
    • In other words, if you don’t report you cannot complain.
  • We now have an Incident Investigative Process.
    • League Coordinators will respond within 4 days, and once they have all reported info, can make a ruling.
    • If they feel the need to escalate, can be sent to Membership Committee. MC can make a ruling.
    • If MC feels the need to escalate, can be sent to PUL Board.
    • All and any rulings will be filed with the Operations Coordinator.
  • Conflict of Interest – if there is a conflict or an appearance of a conflict, any party can ask for the report to be escalated to the next level for a fair ruling.


  • George Kovacs is the only person standing for re-election
  • No one else has stepped forward for elections.
  • Vote here (Polls remain open until 7:00pm Friday May 15th)

PUL 2020 AGM Minutes

  • Minutes are a bit rough, as our Secretary had technical difficulties.
  • All you need to know is on this page.
  • Shout out to all that attended the meeting last night.
  • It was super awesome to see all your smiling, happy faces.
  • Stay tuned for a Covid-19 PUL Comfort Level Survey coming your way.