Name: Julie Simard
Hometown: Ottawa
Years Playing Ultimate: hmm, since 2004 so I guess entering my 16th year, holy smoke
Favourite Ultimate Memory: This is so hard!! Two favourites: When I first coordinated the beginners’ league – Thursday night – we used to have registration at Hot Belly Mamas – meeting the people who had never played and were keen to learn was a blast that night. So many people gathered there! I also have really fond memories of my first year of play with Red Army – Ian Reeves was our coach. We had so much fun, and beat Grey Matter that year in the finals (was so fabulous!).
Favourite thing about Peterborough Ultimate League: The awesome community, the volunteers and the people who genuinely love not only the sport but our league specifically, and the family we have together.
Why do you still play Ultimate? I love the sport, I love the co-ed aspect and I love the people in PUL.
Who’s another PUL player you love to play with, and why? Cam Taylor – so much history with the league and long-standing friendship that started with ulti.
What’s a skill you’re working on right now? backhand!!
Favourite tournament and why?: Hmm, don’t do many tournaments. But did Grandmasters in Montreal this past fall, what a blast. Nothing better than Kerri Kightley as your coach.
Weirdest thing you ever dressed up as for an ultimate tournament?: Hmm, can’t remember sorry.
What do you do other than play Frisbee (e.g. work, fun, family)? Hanging out with family, running a Girl Guide unit, vacations with family, fun stuff with friends!

Name: Mark Wallace
Hometown: Toronto
Years Playing Ultimate: since 2009
Favourite Ultimate Memory: Watching humble people do the improbable. Making catches or layout d they have no business making. Doing it with humility.
Favourite thing about Peterborough Ultimate League: Great spirit, great people.
Why did you start playing Ultimate?Christie Nash had played for a long time at a high level and finally talked me into being on a beginner Tuesday team. That team was Vertigo, we all met there and have been going ever since.
Why do you still play Ultimate? Because I am old and grey and need to keep doing something!
What’s your “signature play” or throw? Hard Ins!
Who’s another PUL player you love to play with, and why? Christie Nash. She’s the best and makes me better.
What’s a skill you’re working on right now?Getting a little bit faster every year. Why not?
Favourite tournament and why?: Grand Masters in Montreal. We dress as chickens! Oldsters!
Weirdest thing you ever dressed up as for an ultimate tournament?: Cam Taylor. and The Terminator
What do you do other than play Frisbee (e.g. work, fun, family)? Theatre, NBA fanatic, games, writing, helping out newcomers, silly nonsense.