Wow, time seemed to fly by once again. It didn’t seem that long ago we were starting our 2023 summer league, and now the time is upon us to wrap it up. Despite having a wetter and smokier season, I’d still say it was a successful one.
Next week we have the top two teams from each evening league battle it out for glory. Tuesday we have Ctrl-Ultimate playing against Slinging Discs for The Big Wiener. On Wednesday we have Landline trying to defend their title against Vertigo for The Cane, and Thursday we have Big Rats also trying to defend their title against Pinko for All the Marbles. Good luck to each and every team.
Games will start sharply at 7:00, and the first team to 15 points takes the game and the glory. Come out and cheer your fellow PUL players along. Tuesday’s game is being held at TASS turf, Wednesday and Thursday’s games are being held at Holy Cross turf.
At halftime we will be holding some fun skill-based games. We’d love to get a female-matching player and a male-matching player from each team (of your respective night of play) to come compete for some sweet PUL swag. Competitions will include:
- Maximum Time Aloft, with one-handed catch
- Longest Pull
- Most accurate forehand
- Most accurate backhand
So make sure you come and enjoy some fun!
In other news, I’d like to recognize the winners of our Carbon Flip initiative and Most Spirited Team for 2023. In case some of our newest members are unsure what the Carbon Flip actually is:
The CF has gone through a number of iterations since it was introduced, but has now settled on calculating the percentage of passengers/cyclists/ walkers divided by the number of rostered players at that game to determine the winner. Winners choose either to receive/pull or which end to start at. Losers chose the remaining option left (receive/pull or which end to start at).
And the winners this year are:

And the winners for our Most Spirited Teams:

Congratulations to all. And thanks to all PUL members who came out week after week to enjoy an evening of ultimate with your friends. We wouldn’t have this glorious league without you.