Name: Chellew, Erica (the first name is secondary so that I am not confused with the great Erica Newton)
Hometown: Lakefield
Years Playing Ultimate: 10-ish (?) Got really dark for awhile there when the babies were coming out…
Favourite thing about Peterborough Ultimate League: the friendliness. I brought a friend in last year and she kept asking “why is everyone being so nice to me? I keep making mistakes and they keep telling me it’s okay”.
Why did you start playing Ultimate? My brother told me I had to and all my friends were doing it.
Why do you still play Ultimate? Love the people I get to play with, it keeps me focused, it pushes me to do more, try harder even when my old old body begs me to lie down
What’s your “signature play” or throw? I’m so boring. I am really good at always being available for the dump.
Who’s another PUL player you love to play with, and why? Yannick always makes my day better, on the field or not. So does Holly Simpson.
What’s a skill you’re working on right now? Moving faster. And I’m always aware of my lackadaisical defensive spirit. It needs improving.
Favourite tournament and why? Love Harvest but also love Montreal Jazz fest
Weirdest thing you ever dressed up as for an ultimate tournament?: A flight attendant. Whoops, that’s a real thing that happened.
What do you do other than play Frisbee (e.g. work, fun, family)? I spend a lot of time reading the unedited thoughts of high-schoolers.

Name: Sarah Desjardins
Hometown: Ottawa
Years Playing Ultimate: None! Never played the sport, but am supporting my son, William and his love of the sport.
Favourite Ultimate Memory: Watching William learning the sport and the smiles of all the kids on the field
Favourite thing about Peterborough Ultimate League: its inclusivity and accessibility
Why did you start playing Ultimate? I don’t actually play but my son does. Kyle Hunter introduced the sport to William and he loved it!
What’s your “signature play” or throw? I don’t have a signature play but William loves the frisbee tag and the box drill.
What’s a skill you’re working on right now? Right now, I’m supporting the PUL Juniors at Bridgenorth as a parent volunteer and just really trying to learn as much as I can about the sport and how to support the program.
What do you do other than play Frisbee (e.g. work, fun, family)? I work for the MNRF and enjoy spending time with my two children, William and Charlotte