Request to Join a Team

Please submit your information and we will do our best to find you a good team fit. Also consider signing up for pick-up, and becoming a substitute player.

If you’ve been placed on a team and would like to be removed from this list (or for other reasons) – please email the respective League Coordinator(s) for the night(s) for which you are no longer seeking placement on a team.

Thank you for showing interest in Peterborough Ultimate League. Our League Coordinators and Captains will use the list, created by filling out this form, to fill in spots on their teams as needed. Any extra comments you can provide about yourself and your goals within the league would be helpful. If you are inquiring about a current season, and have not heard from someone within a week, feel free to email our League Coordinators (emails found under contacts on our site.)
When on the ultimate field, I play as;