Name: David French
Hometown: Lakefield, ON
Years Playing Ultimate: 15 years
Favourite Ultimate Memory: Taking home ‘The Chicken’ after last years finals with the Floppy Discs.
Favourite thing about Peterborough Ultimate League: The social scene. Dig into it and you will find a beautiful group of people that are incredibly caring and supportive.
Why did you start playing Ultimate? There is just something about Ultimate that speaks to me. I love everything about it. The people, the spirit, the lifestyle, the game itself – all amazing!
Why do you still play Ultimate? Straight up couldn’t live without it.
What’s your “signature play” or throw? If I had to say that I had a signature play it would probably be throwing scoobers when a perfectly fine backhand would have sufficed.
Who’s another PUL player you love to play with, and why? Wow! So many to choose from! I could write a huge list here, but there is nothing that hits home like playing with family. Playing with my brother Derek (or Daniel for the half season he played) is always great. Strong, the connection is.
What’s a skill you’re working on right now? Always – trying to be a better coach/captain. I’m deep into coaching podcasts right now and I’m STOKED for the coming summer season.
Favourite tournament and why?: Harvest, duh. Tons of great people, teams from everywhere, low pressure to win, high pressure to have fun.
Weirdest thing you ever dressed up as for an ultimate tournament?: I’m not sure, but I’ll bet it was awesome.
What do you do other than play Frisbee (e.g. work, fun, family)? I’m a frisbee-huckin’ scientist. What what!

Name: Tara MacLeod
Hometown: Stouffville, ON
Years Playing Ultimate: 6 years
Favourite thing about Peterborough Ultimate League: The amazing PUL community! I learned how to play ultimate in PUL and everyone was so welcoming and are always willing to help me develop as a player.
Why do you still play Ultimate? It is such a great sport that I wish I had learned earlier. It only requires some friends, a disc and a field to play. I love that it can be so competitive but with the spirit of the game and self-officiating everyone is fair and respectful of others.
What’s your “signature play” or throw? up line flick
Favourite tournament and why?: Harvest.The ultimate games are competitive but there is such a relaxed, social and spirited atmosphere throughout the weekend. And of course the awesome soup!